We hope everyone had fun at the Halloween Social!
Joel will be holding office hours by the HUB fishtanks Wednesday 11:15-1:15 and Friday 10-1:15. Stop by to pay dues, make a trip payment, hand in a participation agreement with a copy of your insurance card, or just to get some more info on the club. Remember to bring a payment form if you do plan on making a payment. Just a reminder that if you are going on our Killington trip on November 30th, final payments are due Friday, November 16th, the Friday before Thanksgiving break starts. If you are going on our Tremblant, QC trip over Winter Break, final payments are due by Friday, December 14th, the last day of classes. If you have only put down a $100 deposit, you have not yet fully paid for the trip. Also, you must have a participation agreement on file to go on any trip. This is a club sports rule, and we cannot take you on a trip without a participation agreement on file. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm in this crazy weather. Hopefully it's snowing Northeast of us!
Just a reminder that we will have a meeting this Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm in 62 Willard. We will have a visit from our travel agent, Joe, the man who makes all of these awesome ski trips possible. We will also be sharing information about our Halloween Social, as well as announcing the Ski Club Formal! Be sure to stop by so you can be one of the cool kids who knows all the deets about ski club.
You can come to the meeting to sign up for a trip, especially the upcoming Killington and Tremblant trips, both of which have limited space, or the Park City and Canyons trip in Utah, which we need signups for ASAP since we need to give the trusty airline our information. Just bring a $100 deposit in cash or check and a payment form. If you plan on going on a trip, you must also have a participation agreement on file, along with a copy of your insurance card. Greg will be having Office Hours by the HUB fishtanks this Wednesday, October 23rd from 11-3. Stop by to sign up for a trip, pay dues, or to find out more about the club. Remember, we have a "Guess the Mountain" contest on our website! Just figure out what mountain is pictured at the top of www.psuskiers.com and submit your guess via the link at the bottom of the homepage. Correct guessers win a PSU Ski Club drawstring bag, or a vintage Ski Club T-shirt from many winters ago. So get guessing! If you ordered anything from our proform deals, come to the meeting to pick up your gear, or contact Nam at [email protected] to figure out another time. Just a remind that Greg will be sitting by the HUB fishtanks until 3 today. Today is the Earlybird deadline for both Killington, VT and Tremblant, QC, so be sure to sign up if you want the best deal on those trips!
Also, very important information regarding the Tremblant trip: There are 2 things you must have to go on this trip. 1. A valid passport 2. No criminal record We will have to cross the border into Canada, which can sometimes be tricky. All trip attendees must have a passport to get into Canada, and usually they will not let anyone in with a criminal record, including underages and DUIs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us before you sign up for the trip. 49 days until we leave for Killington!! Hope you're enjoying this chilly weather and getting ready for that cold, snowy season ahead of us. As promised, here are the proform deals of the month. We're gonna start this year's Proforms with deals on skis/boards from RAMP Sports, Marmot clothing, and headphones from Skullcandy. Check out the sites below and if you see anything you want, let me know so I can check availability and final pricing. We do have limits on how many items we can purchase each month, so orders will be on a first come first served basis.
*Remember, you gotta be a member of the club to get these sick deals. RAMP Skis and Snowboards: up to 55% off All RAMP gear is now handmade straight outta Park City and this year's products are lookin pretty sick. The team makes use of Earth friendly, US made materials to produce the most technical products on the market. If you need a new ride, I would definitely check them out for this huge discount http://www.rampsports.com/store/ Marmot: 50% off We get 50% off a good amount of Marmot products all year long. Check out their site (http://marmot.com/) and let me know what you would like and I will check to see if we get the discount on that specific product. Skullcandy Headphones: up to 40% off - http://www.skullcandy.com/shop/ Hello ski peeps!
First of all, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who walked with us at the Homecoming Parade! The parade was an awesome time, and we couldn't have done it without your participation. In other news, we will have a meeting on Tuesday, October 9th at 7:30 in 362 Willard. Show up to get some information you might have missed at our first meeting, to sign up for one of our 6 trips, to hand in your participation agreement along with a copy of your insurance card, or to pay for the Hayride! Also, Greg will be having Office Hours this Wednesday and Friday from 11-3 by the Fishtanks in the HUB. Stop by office hours for all of the usual reasons, like dues payments, trip payments, or forms to hand in, but Wednesday is especially for Hayride payments, and Friday is especially for Killington and Tremblant signups, as that is the Earlybird deadline. Here are details on both: Hayride The PSU Ski Club will be going on a Hayride this Wednesday, October 10th! The experience includes a hayride, food, drinks, fire, and live music. Spots are limited and we already have a lot of signups, so be sure to let us know if you are interested! The Hayride costs $25, which can be paid at the meeting, or at Wednesday office hours. We will be meeting at Rec Hall at 8:30 on Wednesday, and then boarding the bus to the event at 9. Hope to see many of you there! Trips The Earlybird Deadline for both our Killington, VT trip on December 1-2 and our Tremblant, QC trip on January 1-3 (Winter Break) are coming up this Friday, October 12. In order to get the best deal on either of these trips, all you need to do is put down a $100 deposit on the trip you'd like to go on by the end of the day on Friday. You can either pay at the meeting, at office hours, or online. If you would like to pay at the meeting or office hours, please remember to bring a payment form along with your cash or check. Follow that link directly to the form, or you can find it on the "Forms" page of our website. Both of these trips have been a lot of fun in the past, and we're expecting a great time with some good snow this year as well! Forum We apologize for any trouble you may be having when signing up for our forum. We are experiencing technical difficulties which are being handled as we speak. If you have any problems or general questions, email Dylan at [email protected] for help. Dues Dues payments can be paid throughout the year. If you wish to pay at a meeting or office hours, please bring a payment form from our website. We will only allow online dues payments through this Tuesday, the night of the meeting. If you wish to pay online, you must do so by the end of this Tuesday. After that, we will only allow payments at meetings, office hours, or at a personal meeting with an officer if you would like to contact one of us and find a time that works for you. Ski House Hopefully most of you made a visit to the club house at our last social. We have open spots for next year, so if you are looking for housing, please contact Greg at[email protected] for information. Hope to see many of you during this hayride/meeting/office hour filled week! Greg will be having office hours in the HUB by the fishtanks on Wednesday from 11:30-3.
Stop by to pay for a trip before the Earlybird deadlines arrive, pay dues, or to sign up for our HAYRIDE! The Hayride is next Wednesday, October 10th, and it will be a whole lot of fun! There will be food, drinks, and even live music, so don't miss out! The Hayride costs $25 for both members and non-members. We must know if you would like to go on the Hayride by Sunday, October 7th!!! So even if you don't have the money right away, please email Andrea at [email protected] letting her know you are interested in going. You can pay at next week's meeting/office hours, just be sure you at least contact us by 10/7. Hope to see everyone in 362 Willard next Tuesday, October 9th at 7:30!! |
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